Easy Way to Recharge Your Spirit


       Do you ever wake up feeling unbalanced and mentally exhausted before your day even begins? Or everything seems out of place and you're going through an unending mental fog? Chances are most of us have had those days. One of the biggest reasons is that there are so many roles that we play each day i.e., being a parent, spouse, entrepreneur. Attaining those roles to your optimum ability is impossible without mental stability.

      I occasionally fall short trying to keep it all together. It wasn't until recently I realized I simply needed to RECHARGE. We go day to day piling information in our brains, becoming more robotic and it's due to lack of rejuvenation.

     Want  to know a major key to finding balance and recharging successfully?
#DETOX #DETOX #DETOX!!! This is the best way to cleanse your aura. Anything you feel is over powering or has a negative impact on your mental state, you should discard it. Ironically, it's usually the most subtle bad habits that has the biggest impacts over our mind, i.e. complaining, over- thinking and worrying.

     I chose to do a seven day detox from the above mentioned habits and social media as well. Of course you can take as much or as little time you feel you need to refresh. The reason being is both spiritually and mentally healing for me.

    In a perfect world, social media would only retain uplifting, positive content. Unfortunately it does not so for me, ridding it completely as I renewed my mind and spirit was very important. It is important to pull the positives from everything however the downside of utilizing social media on a daily basis is a post for another day.

   During this detox process, I tried my best to refrain from complaining. We're human, we will experience anger, frustration and sadness. Instead of complaining or lashing out whenever I was bothered, I instead journaled my thoughts and feelings.

   When recharging your mind, you're renewing your way of thinking as well so speak more positively. Every morning I tell myself that "great things will happen today". Try it and you'll instantly give light to your day and feel uplifted.

   All in all, give thanks to God each day and remind yourself daily that God is at the center of all good things! Free yourself of anything that doesn't bring positive vibes!


“and be continually renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh, untarnished mental and spiritual attitude], and put on the new self [the regenerated and renewed nature], created in God’s image, [godlike] in the righteousness and holiness of the truth [living in a way that expresses to God your gratitude for your salvation].”
‭‭EPHESIANS‬ ‭4:23-24‬ ‭AMP‬‬


  1. I feel like as a blogger you especially have to make time to do this. It's so easy to get caught up in the world of social media and putting tasks in front of spending time with God. I'm so happy you did this, feel refreshed and are ready to go. This is a great Idea for all of us!

    1. Yes! So easy to put self care on the back burner & forget to refuel. Thank you ❤️

  2. This was really good. I need to do that more often. I tend to find myself letting the frustration build until I'm almost impossible to live with. You gave me a lot to think about!

  3. Nicely put. I have been meaning to get back to journaling for this reason.


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